Bloggare snart tystade i Italien?

Det finns förslag på en lag i Italien som i praktiken gör det omöjligt för vanliga medborgare att blogga, i alla fall om känsliga ämnen:

The present appeal refers to Article 1, paragraph 29 of the bill which extends the rectification obligation of the written press to all online publishers, including bloggers. According to the respective paragraph, ”those responsible for information websites” will be obliged to post corrections within 48 hours from any complaint regarding website content (whether blog, opinion, comment or simple information), in the same form in which the contested content was originally put online. In case of non-compliance, the authors face fines of up to 25 000 euro.

An amendment to the paragraph was introduced by deputies Roberto Cassinelli and Roberto Zaccaria trying to soften the initial text, by proposing a longer period for the publication of the rectification and a 10 times lower fine. Among the changes introduced by the amendment there was the annulment of the rectification obligation for those web sites which had a limited number of visitors. Unfortunately, on 21 July 2010, the amendment was considered unacceptable, from a procedural point of view, and rejected without justification by Giulia Bongiorno, President of the Parliamentary Justice Commission.

Besides the limitation to the freedom of expression, forcing bloggers to rectify within 48 hours will lead to closing down many of the blogs as this will practically be an impossible task. This implies that a blogger must register with a legal domicile with some authority, facing the same bureaucratic formalities as the written press and that he (she) will have to connect to the Internet every single day in order to check whether there is a request for correction and place the correction in due time. This would definitely discourage bloggers who will hesitate to write on economical or political issues that might bother certain personalities.

Jag tar nog inte till för kraftiga ord när jag säger att jag finner den här lagen oroväckande…

5 Responses to Bloggare snart tystade i Italien?

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Bloggare snart tystade i Italien? « Full Mental Straightjacket --

  2. Oldtimer says:

    Det är väl en fullständigt normal lag i fascismens Italien? 😛

  3. mrperfect72 says:

    Ett verkningsloest foerslag. Omskrivningar (censur) och omlaenkning till andra bloggar som skriver sanningen utomlands kommer i staellet oeka intresset foer informationen som censurerats.

  4. Pingback: De omyndiga medborgarna | Hans Blogg

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